step dance
- A dance emphasizing the dancer's steps.
Compound from English step (footrest on a bicycle) + English dance.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Eurodance English
- Eurostep English
- adance English
- backstep English
- bedance English
- belly dance English
- bestep English
- between-step English
- bootstep English
- braindance English
- breakdance English
- catstep English
- clownstep English
- corbiestep English
- counterstep English
- crowstep English
- dance English
- dance-happy English
- danceability English
- danceable English
- danceaholic English
- danceathon English
- danced English
- dancefest English
- dancegoer English
- dancegoing English
- dancehall English
- danceless English
- dancelike English
- danceline English
- dancemaker English
- dancemaking English
- dancen English
- dancer English
- dancery English
- dancescape English
- dancesport English
- dancest English
- danceth English
- dancewear English
- dancy English
- doorstep English
- downstep English
- eigenstep English
- footstep English
- forestep English
- gravedance English
- hardstep English
- interstep English
- kick-step English
- lockstep English
- macrostep English
- metastep English
- microstep English
- midstep English
- misstep English
- multistep English
- nondance English
- outdance English
- outstep English
- overstep English
- pawstep English
- predance English
- quickstep English
- riverdance English
- sidestep English
- smoothstep English
- stairstep English
- step English
- step stool English
- step-free English
- stepback English
- stepchair English
- stepdancer English
- stepdown English
- steplength English
- stepless English
- steplike English
- steply English
- stepmeal English
- stepover English
- steppable English
- steppage English
- stepper English
- steppest English
- steppeth English
- stepping English
- stepside English
- stepsize English
- stepstone English
- stepstool English
- stepwell English
- stepwise English
- stepwork English
- substep English
- sundance English
- synthdance English
- techstep English
- timestep English
- understep English
- unstep English
- upstep English
- step Dutch, Flemish
- danser French
- dauncen Middle English
- steppen Middle English
- danci Esperanto
- step Indonesian
- dansar Ido
- danns Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic
- dansi Swahili
- 댄스 Korean
- dansa Zulu
- ndaci Kikuyu, Gikuyu
- step
- dance
- dancy
- dancen
- unstep
- upstep
- adance
- bestep
- steply
- dancer
- danced
- bedance
- pawstep
- dancest
- dancery
- misstep
- substep
- outstep
- catstep
- stepper
- danceth
- midstep
- backstep
- steppest
- steppage
- stepwise
- overstep
- nondance
- stepwell
- bootstep
- stepover
- outdance
- steplike
- stepwork
- downstep
- steppeth
- stepdown
- timestep
- predance
- metastep
- crowstep
- sidestep
- stepless
- lockstep
- forestep
- hardstep
- techstep
- stepping
- footstep
- sundance
- stepback
- doorstep
- stepside
- stepmeal
- stepsize
- Eurostep
- dancelike
- steppable
- Eurodance
- macrostep
- stepstool
- dancewear
- danceline
- dancegoer
- stepchair
- clownstep
- quickstep
- kick-step
- danceless
- stepstone
- eigenstep
- understep
- stairstep
- microstep
- multistep
- dancefest
- danceable
- interstep
- step-free
- dancehall
- step stool
- braindance
- stepdancer
- synthdance
- corbiestep
- smoothstep
- danceathon
- dancescape
- dancegoing
- gravedance
- riverdance
- dancemaker
- dancesport
- steplength
- breakdance
- belly dance
- dance-happy
- danceaholic
- dancemaking
- counterstep
- between-step
- danceability